About Prof Interactive

At Prof Interactive, we are dedicated to creating innovative and immersive virtual reality and augmented reality games and entertainment experiences. We strive to push the boundaries of what is possible in the gaming industry and provide players with a unique and exciting gaming experience.

Our Team

Nick Profitt
Nick Profitt - Lead/Developer

Nick has spent most of his life as a developer of apps and games. His profession is mobile apps, but he's had plenty of experience with independent game development.

Chris Profitt
Chris Profitt - Audio/Level Design/Tester

Saying Chris is a disc golf enthusiast is an understatement. When he's not on the course or working at his local disc golf shop, he's writing tracks and DJ'ing as ARNLD PLMR.

Ryan Profitt
Ryan Profitt - Tester/SFX

Ryan has been a VR enthusiast for a few years and has an extensive understanding of audio engineering. Dude is also insanely good on the drums.